Kanwal Public School

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Education Week Open Day at Kanwal Public School

'Today's schools - creating tomorrow's world'

Wednesday 8th August 2018

9:00am Visit the hall to see the Science Showcase. Classes will have examples of activities they have been doing in class throughout the year. A robotics and coding display and Makerspace activities will also be showcased.


 9:30am Open classroom – Parents and Carers are invited to visit their children in their classrooms to view work books and share in a learning experience.


10:15 am School Performance Showcase under the COLA.

Aboriginal Didge, School Band, Senior Dance, Junior Dance, Choir and Ukulele Group.


10:45 Recess and Cake stall. Support this Year 6 fundraising event. Enjoy a game with your children.

We look forward to sharing this day with you all.

Monica Baigent

Deputy Principal
