Positive Behaviour for Learning, known as PBL is an evidence-based whole school approach that establishes positive social and behavioural expectations for the school community.
PBL provides a framework for a school to support to wellbeing of every student at Kanwal Public School. Our key expectations are Safe Learners, Respectful Learners and Responsible Learners. Throughout the year students will be involved in lessons that specifically teach and practice our expectations in every external area of the school. These lessons will be developed by the staff and include everybody, everywhere, everytime. These lessons follow a specific format designed to teach and consolidate our expectations for each area. Lessons typically begin with telling students what the expectation is and why it is important. Students are then shown what the expected behaviour looks like, often using children to demonstrate correct behaviour while the teacher models the incorrect behaviour. Students are given opportunities to role play the rule as teachers monitor their use of strategies for safe, respectful and responsible behaviour.
Our mascot 'Craigie' has our school motto of 'Play the Game' on his shirt and holds the world in his hands. Just like the children of Kanwal Public School, he has the opportunity to do anything he wants to with his life and go anywhere he desires, if he puts his mind to it.
Part of PBL involves the recognition of students doing the right thing and to acknowledge and reward students, we have designed tokens that they can earn when doing the right thing in the playground. The tokens look like this:
With PBL, school's hold reward days where children can cash in their tokens and receive rewards. The children were asked to suggest possible rewards and came up with a variety of inclusions. An example of the rewards menu is below. These may be adjusted each term as children and staff come up with other ideas.
The launch of PBL corresponds with the introduction of new recess and lunchtime break times. We have adjusted the bell times after examining when negative incidences occurred in the playground. We found that most happened in the last 10 minutes of lunchtime so we moved that 10 minutes to recess. Now children have a more even spread of time to eat and play throughout the day.
Our new bell times are:
· Morning bell - 8:25
· Morning classes begin - 8:55
· Bell for children to go to recess - 10:55
· Bell for children to go back to class - 11:25
· Bell for children to eat lunch - 1:05
· Bell for children to go back into class - 1:45
· Home time bell - 2:50
For more information on PBL at Kanwal Public School, please click on the links below:
· KPS PBL Brochure 2017 (PDF 255KB)
· PBL at K.P.S
Positive Behaviour for Learning Parent Survey
This survey is part of our school evaluation process. Your responses are valued and will help us plan for the future. To take part in the five question survey, click on the link below:
PBL Parent Survey